Category Archives: Lawson Dodd

Gnocchi shape and sauces

Why do Gnocchi have this funny shape?

At Le Cordon Bleu culinary school, Chef Loic Malfait tells us the secret to the perfect gnocchi dish. The potato dough’s shape is no stranger to that. Indeed, the shell shape retains the sauce in the curves and enables them  to fuse with the sauce.

Therefore, the Gnocchi’s shape is a witty way to make your dish yummier!

See previous post to learn how to make them look like they should:

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Filed under Gnocchi, Interview, Lawson Dodd, Le Cordon Bleu, Learning

Shaping gnocchi @ Le Cordon Bleu

Here comes one, here comes all.

As I said earlier, Chef Loic Malfait taught me plenty of wonderful things about Italian gastronomy and gnocchi. In a series of little clips, you will become as knowledgeable as I have become. … I am joking of course, but I do feel the exciting topics (and tips) we covered could make you shine at the dinner table.

Make sure you don’t miss anything. It’s always great to learn from the best.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I hereby present to you Chef Loic Malfait of Le Cordon Bleu Culinary School!


Filed under Lawson Dodd, Le Cordon Bleu, Learning, Recipes, Tradition

What is Gnocchi Night?

On the 29th of every month, Argentines eat ñoquis (gnocchis, as we would say). For the uninitiated, gnocchi is a potato-based pasta. It is pronounced nyoki. Like a lot of Argentine dishes, this flavourful dish has Italian roots. Many Italians worked on coffee plantations in Argentina during the 19th century and they left a permanent impression on the culture’s cuisine.

Why gnocchi? Why the 29th? Gnocchi is cheaply made and belly filling, a combination appreciated by the working poor on the night before payday. The story goes that a poor family welcomed a hungry man into their home and shared their gnocchi supper. To reward the family’s generous spirit, the man, who was a saint in disguise, left a gold coin under his plate. Hard financial times in Argentina after World War II may have helped the tradition to grow and now Gnocchi Night is practically sacred.

The tradition comes with hopes of attracting prosperity and involves putting money under your plate during your meal. Donate that money (it has to be that money, now warmed by the plate) to charity after the meal, and it will bring you good fortune.

It’s a refreshing celebration of the good value meal. I love the tradition of sharing what little you have and, with that sharing, nurturing hope for good fortune. Clearly the Argentine populace is infused with good spirits and good humour: government workers that are scarce except for when paychecks arrive at month’s end have been nicknamed ñoquis too!

Gnocchi can be made from scratch, of course, and we will be sharing our step-by-step guide so that you can take part in this tradition. The goal (and the challenge) of good gnocchi is that it should be light and fluffy while also dense enough to have flavour, but not so dense that they are chewy or gummy. Once you get started you can explore a whole host of amazing recipes, sweet and savoury, for this delightful tradition. We’ll be sharing our favourites and we welcome you to share yours!

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Filed under Gnocchi, Lawson Dodd, Tradition